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The CRDHA seeks new members to join Public Advisors Network

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Alberta College of Dental Hygienists

The Public Advisors Network (the PAN) is seeking the voice and perspective of a diverse group of Albertans to help inform the regulation of the dental assisting and hygiene professions in Alberta. The PAN is a new initiative of the College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta and the College of Alberta Dental Assistants. It will consist of up to ten (10) public advisors who are committed to the advancement of oral health care regulation.

Public advisor appointments will be based on the following criteria:

  • Alberta residency
  • availability to review documents and provide feedback
  • availability to serve a three (3) year term
  • not currently, and have never been, a regulated member of any health profession in any jurisdiction
  • not currently an employee or member of any organization whose mandate may conflict with that of the colleges
  • ability to provide a diverse perspective, experience, or background (e.g., community, education, First Nations/Indigenous, gender diversity, region, employment/volunteer sector, age, disability)


The public advisors will serve for a three (3) year term, with the possibility of one reappointment for a maximum of six (6) consecutive years. A public advisor may resign from the PAN at any time by providing written notice to the college partners.

Role and Responsibilities

Public advisors will:

  • Consider and give opinions to the college partners on different topics (e.g., amalgamation, measuring regulatory risk and effectiveness), as presented.
  • Review and provide feedback to the college partners on regulatory documents (e.g., standards of practice, bylaws, policies, guidelines, and strategic priorities, communications directed at the public like website content), as presented.
  • Promote a culture of mutual trust, respect, professionalism, integrity, and accountability of the PAN.
  • Actively participating in all matters presented, listening to, considering, and respecting the views and suggestions of other public advisors when meetings occur.
  • Maintain confidentiality and not disclosing or using any information or materials received in preparation for, during or coming from discussions, whether orally or in writing, except to other

Feedback will generally be solicited and collected electronically. Some virtual meetings may occur. The PAN nor individual public advisors have any decision-making authority. Formal and informal output from the PAN will be used as prioritized advice by the college partners involved and inform development of recommendations.


No expenses will be incurred by public advisors, and no compensation will be made to any public advisors for participating on the PAN.   

Read the complete Public Advisors Network Terms of Reference.

To apply, complete the Public Advisor Application Form. The deadline to submit your application is Wednesday, June 1, 2022.

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