All Standards
Effective: Aug 1st 2023 | Status: Approved


Standard Statement

The dental hygienist is responsible for being aware of, understanding, and following all mandatory reporting requirements. 

Performance Expectations

The dental hygienist must… 

  1. Self-report the following to the College: 
    1. Any injury, dependency, infection, or any other physical, cognitive, mental and/or emotional condition that has immediately affected, or may affect over time, the dental hygienist’s continuing ability to practice safely and competently; 
    2. Any findings of professional negligence or malpractice; 
    3. Any findings of unprofessional conduct by a regulatory authority in another jurisdiction or by any other college under the Health Professions Act (HPA); 
    4. Any charges or convictions of a criminal offense; and/or 
    5. Sexual abuse of or sexual misconduct towards a patient as defined in the HPA and the Protecting Patients from Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Standard of Practice. 
  2. Promptly report another regulated health professional to the relevant college when they have reasonable and probable grounds to believe that the conduct of the regulated health professional places patients at risk or may be considered unprofessional conduct under the HPA. 
  3. Report another regulated health professional to the relevant college’s complaints director as soon as the dental hygienist has reasonable grounds to believe the regulated health professional is engaging in behaviour that constitutes sexual abuse of or sexual misconduct toward a patient, or the procurement or performance of female genital mutilation of a patient, as required by the HPA section 127.2(1). 
  4. Report situations to the proper authorities in compliance with applicable legislation. (e.g., abuse of vulnerable persons in care, children in need of intervention, specified communicable diseases, adverse drug reactions). 

Patient Expectations

The patient can expect that the dental hygienist will act in the interest of patient safety and report specific situations or incidents to the appropriate authority as required. 


FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION: As defined in the Health Professions Act, means “the excision, infibulation or mutilation, in whole or in part, of the labia majora, labia minora, clitoral hood or clitoris of a person, except where valid consent is given, and  

      1. A surgical or other procedure is performed by a regulated member under [the HPA] for the benefit of the physical health of the person or for the purpose of that person having normal reproductive functions or normal sexual appearance or function, or 
      2. The person is at least 18 years of age and there is no resulting bodily harm.” 

LEGISLATION: Federal or provincial acts, regulations, or codes.